The 7-Step Guide to Creating A Diet You Love (And Not Want to Kill Yourself Over)

May 24, 2018 | 61 Comments

create custom diet plan

Picking the perfect diet plan to follow can seem near impossible at times.

There are just so fucking many.

So many rules.

So much conflicting advice.

But if you do pick one, this is what’s going to happen to you:

  • You’ll soon find your entire life revolve around this diet.
  • Any restaurant you eat at will need to carry out to your whiny ass needs.
  • Whenever the subject of food comes up, you’ll automatically say “Oh I can’t eat that, I don’t eat gluten.” It’s an involuntary movement. You have no choice. But in reality you don’t even know what the fuck gluten is.
  • You’ll start using words and making statements about the human body but you really have no idea what you’re talking about.
  • You’ll make defending your diet against haters your secondary job, even though you’re not getting paid.
  • Every time you see an article online that even hints that your approach to dieting is wrong, you’ll spend 2 hours writing out what you believe to be the magnum opus of random internet comments that will change the world on an Elon Musk level (only for the original commenter to ignore you).

But in the future…

I can’t say when.

Could be 6 months or 6 years….

You’ll realize that dedicating your life to this dieting “cause” was about as productive as trying to be the most popular kid in high school.

Then you’ll die (probably because you were deficient in whatever your diet was trying to eliminate).

And the super duper awesome part: You’ll be buried next to a vegan, a paleo chick, about a dozen “clean eating” bodybuilders, and probably some hippie who ate nothing but apple skins and hummus.

Bottom line: In the end, none of this “which diet is best” shit fucking matters.

So if all this sounds great to you…

Then be my guest, pick a diet that’s hot now and follow it to a ‘T.’

But if you want to break free from conventional, restricted diet chains and do a diet you actually enjoy without wanting to kill yourself, then read on my friend.

First thing’s first – Don’t choose a diet, create one

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diet cult mindset

The first step to breaking free and finally discovering that amazing diet that helps you lose weight, build muscle, have more amazing sex, and create a bulletproof health is this:


Choosing a diet will only lead to the insane scenarios I laid out earlier in the article.

(Okay, maybe some are slightly exaggerated, but hey, you can’t deny that there’s some truth behind it.)

[pullquote align=”right”]You’ll make defending your diet against naysayers your secondary job, even though you’re not getting paid. [/pullquote]

If you choose to follow paleo, low carb ,or whatever, then you’re bound to that diet’s particular set of rules and beliefs.

Blindly following a those rules will only fuck your mind and make it the secondary equivalent to joining a cult.

This is why I recommend creating your own diet, molded to your unique lifestyle and eating habits.

The 7 step plan to creating a lifestyle diet you love and don’t want to kill yourself over

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Now I know what you’re thinking.

You’re probably thinking you need PHD in “Nutritional Sciences” from the University of Phoenix to be able to create your own diet plan.

[easy-tweet tweet=”You don’t need a PHD from the University of Phoenix to create your own diet. Learn how to here:” via=”no” usehashtags=”no”]

But that’s just not the case.

You don’t need to credentials, degrees, and you really don’t even need to be that smart.

You just need to rewire your mindset and have a little bit of common sense.

The process for creating your own “perfect” diet plan yourself is actually quite simple once you understand the basic steps laid out below.

Step #1 – Kill the dieting fairy tales

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dieting myths

Alright, first thing we have to do is kill all those nasty dieting fairy tales floating around your head.

Trends like Paleo, juice detoxes, and Atkins are nothing but dieting “fairy tales.”

Crazy stories and details laid on top of a concept of seemingly simple that most diets fail to even mention it:

Calories, macronutrients, and micronutrients.

That’s the cornerstone of any diet.

There’s no “magic.”

In every case, a new diet trend is just a different way to achieve a calorie deficit.

So kill the dieting fairy tales and look at the core of what makes every diet successful.

When you view your diet as simply calories, macros, and micros it’s pretty hard to believe any of the “metabolism manipulation” “Trainers Hate Him!” BS out there.

Step #2 – What is the best meal frequency for you?

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Meal frequency is how many meals you eat per day.

You can do 1 meal per day or 6, it doesn’t really matter.

Despite the raging popularity of intermittent fasting right now, it’s not a god send.

It depends on your lifestyle.

Some people do better on 1 meal per day, some do better on 6-8.

Find what works for you.

Experiment a bit.

I can’t stress this enough.

While I personally love eating around 2 big meals per day, it would be pure ignorance for me to say that everyone should be doing the same.

Once you get an idea of the # of meals you do best on, move on to the next stop.

Step #3 – Create a calorie deficit (a.k.a. eat less, dummy)

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It’s not the unique combo of chicken and brown rice that helps you lose weight.

It’s the fact that chicken and brown rice is generally fewer calories than your double cheeseburger with sweet potato fries and ranch dressing.

The deficit forms the foundation of any diet, not the exact foods.

How many calories should you eat?

In general this is a good starting point:

Daily calorie intake = 10-12x your bodyweight in pounds

But this formula is just a starting point, you’ll definitely need to adjust either higher or lower based on your body.

Step #4 – Make sure you’re getting enough protein

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get enough protein diet
Photo credit

Protein is the key to making sure you lose fat, not muscle.

So aim to get 0.7-1 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight per day.

If you’re just beginning to lose fat, you’ll do fine on 0.7 grams.

If you have more muscle, then get closer to the 1 gram point.

But even then, most people (even if they have a ton of muscle) will do fine on 0.8 grams.

I find 1 gram to be a bit much from a practical standpoint, but it’s there if you need it.

Step #5 – Play around with your fat and carb intake

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Unlike most fitness guys, I don’t like telling people to track their fat and carb intake down to the exact gram.

It leads to too many restrictions.

This is why I recommend my approach to Macro FLEX Tracking where you focus on overall calories and protein instead.

If you focus on getting a good balance of carbs and fats, not skewing too heavy to either side, you’ll do just fine.

Step #6 – The exact foods you eat is up to you

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I’m not going to tell you what foods to eat.

Because I’m not you.

Yes, you should eat plenty of fruits, veggies, lean meats, whole carb sources (rice, potatoes, pasta).

You should get healthy fats like olive oil and avocado.

But those are just examples.

The exact foods you eat depend on your location, budget, and most importantly, personal taste.

As long as you stick to the calorie/macro guidelines I gave above and don’t be an absolute retard, eating nothing but Fruit Loops and protein powder…then the results will come.

Step #7 – “Fill the gaps” with supplements

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Supplements fill in the gaps where that your diet doesn’t.

For example if you don’t get enough protein, then I would recommend a whey protein powder.

If you don’t get a lot of Omega-3s, then I would recommend a fish oil supplement.

But don’t just start taking random crap just because you like the shiny label or the Instagram model with big fake tits promoting it.

Find your vice foods and throw them out the window

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Just a little extra bonus tip.

A “vice food” is a food that you know is definitely going to fuck up your diet if it’s anywhere near you.

[pullquote align=”right”]If you focus on getting a good balance of carbs and fats, not skewing too heavy to either side, you’ll do just fine. [/pullquote]

We can sit here and talk about constraint and willpower all day long but there are just some foods that you know are your Achilles heel.

For me, it’s doughnuts.

As much as I love doughnuts, they just don’t stay very long when they’re around me 🙂

So my suggestion is to simply eliminate these foods from your home.

If you do want to eat them, go out and specifically buy the amount you want to eat or only keep a limited amount in your house.

Putting your fat loss diet on “Autopilot”

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 My hope with this guide is to help people get to the point that they’re eventually able the entire dieting aspect of their lives on “autopilot.”

[easy-tweet tweet=”Your diet should improve your life, not control it. Create your perfect diet today:” via=”no” usehashtags=”no”]

Fitness shouldn’t be your job.

And your life shouldn’t be dictated by bullshit nutrition rules and fairy tales.

Set up your calories, macros, eat healthy foods most of the time, and ignore everything else.

Most diets out there are designed to make you their bitch.


Once your break it down, dieting is just a numbers game.

And over time you just learn to tweak things a little bit here and there.

When you finally “get it,” you’ll be able to travel anywhere, enjoy restaurants, and attend any social situations without stressing over your diet.

It’s really a super sexy thing.

What does your diet currently look like? Drop a comment below and let me know.

61 Comments - Leave Your Thoughts

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  1. Hello there.
    I am a 16 year old boy, and have been going to the gym for about half a year at this point, pretty much only lifting weights. I have a bit spare fat I wanna get rid of. I’m not on a diet. Would you recommend a diet or I egan doing cardio? If cardio, then how will I make sure not to “destroy” my muscle?
    Thanks anyway.

    1. You’re only 16, so just cut back a bit on your portion sizes. If you’re eating 2 cups of rice with dinner, start cutting back to 1-1.5 cups.

      Just simple changes.

  2. Thank you !

    I’ve been a slave to pre-designed diets for years. Totally understood that losing weight meant a calorie deficit, but any diet gets just plain boring after a while.

    I’ll turn 71 in a couple of weeks and am getting fit again, frantically trying to find out *what* I should be eating to fuel myself “correctly” for my age and exercise level while still keeping the calories down.

    Your article is so clear and makes so,much sense. At my age I do of course have some dietary considerations so understanding that my best bet is to experiment and creat my own eating plan is, in hindsight, totally logical.

    Concentrate on calories and protein, keep fats and carbs low, eat as often as works for my body and get rid of all vice foods – that’s sugar for me.

    Thanks again,

  3. Great Article and a very practical approach to. I own an AC company and I’m on the road a lot. One trick that has saved me is portion control. I refuse to eat anything out of a bag. It goes into a 4-ounce Rubbermaid container. Weighed and calorie counted. This lets me snack during the day but not over eat. My last trick is to keep a thermos I make every morning with dry soup mix. I also keep a stash of oatmeal for emergencies. So long McDonalds go F yourselves. I love it and its about 50 cals. I have been losing about 10 pds a month. ( Yes I exercise during the week). I love your artcle, help cement several concerns. Thank you.

    1. Yup portion control is pretty much required for weight loss. In the end you need to cut back on calories in some way, shape or form.

  4. Hello I am currently overweight and in the process of losing weight by watching my calories and swimming three days a week and walking. My question is that being 33 is it realistic for me to be able to put on a good amount of muscle mass say like if I did the captain America workout? Or does my age hinder me? Also should I lose the weight first or can I do strength training with my cardio to get the results I want. Thank You

  5. Great advice. Especially considering how boring dieting can be. Strict restrictive diets are the first way of de-railing your diet, because they are too strict and boring. Eventually you will over-indulge. Much of it depends on your personal taste. Not to mention the kinds of foods that you know will hurt your diet. Fruits are always lauded as being ways o

    But even though starch and bread is not good for me. I don’t eliminate them completely. I indulge in them once in awhile, making sure to plan for it, and taking garcinia cambogia (a carb blocker) ahead of time.

    Behaviours are another good way of staying on diet. For example if I have stop at the mall after a tough day at work, I don’t walk through the food court. Not only due to being hungry, but I find that there are certain foods (ie. bread) that a great ways that I find to restore my energy and recharge my drained energy and emotions. So I’ve learned to stay away from it.

  6. Hello I have some question to ask I am looking for a perfect diet plan which can reduce belly fats easily I am a working guy and my work is almost sit down on a chair in front of computer no time to go gym.

  7. Hey there I’m a 45 year old male. my meal consistency some days consist of eating two meals a day or 3 meals with 2 snacks in between . Usually i start off with a cup of coffee with a 100% whole wheat bagel or oatmeal. Lunch consist of a sweet potato(plain) and a cucumber. Dinner varies and is the biggest meal for me. Snacks if i eat 1 are usually a piece of fruit. I always try to stay health conscience when it comes to eating, but I do sneak an occasional candy bar in from time to time. But everything in moderate proportion. Any tips for me will be greatly appreciated.


    1. hey stephen, that sounds good on paper so im not sure what tips i could give…

      Just make sure you’re within your target calories.

  8. Thanks for sharing the effective diet plan. How much time for exercise with your given plan for the better results?

  9. Hi there! I’m sixteen (female) and I’ve been struggling with my weight pretty much my whole life. I stumbled upon your website today and I really like it! There’s no bullshit from you, you tell it like it is, and your advice seems legitimate. My weight is in that really aggravating on-the-cusp-of-overweight-but-not-quite which means that I either feel great about my image, or like a beached whale. I have horrible endurance and I seriously want to make some significant life changes to improve my energy, positivity, and overall happiness, so I’m planning on going to the gym and changing my diet — you know — the normal stuff. I know this is all pretty personal stuff that you probably don’t care about, but I just wanted you to know that this website has given me hope. So… thank you!

  10. Hi Keith

    A great read my friend,

    I’ve just turned 58 and noticing how flabby I’m getting, especially the dreaded bat wing scenario and love handles

    BUT,, I’m a lucky guy as I’ve always been quite well built guy but like so many of us, I’ve let life and lifestyles get in the way and find it easy to find an excuse not to do exercise or eat healthily, although I don’t think my diet is that bad ? ( famous last words) !!

    Anyway buddy,, I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to post what you have and give me the kick up the ass I’ve needed.. So a massive thank you.

    Look out for new redefined Moi,,



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