Hot women …
Aston Martins…
Awesome gadgets…
Impeccable suits…
A master at hand-to-hand combat…
An insanely lean and muscular body..
Will someone please explain to me why guys would ever want to be like James Bond 😉
The latest Bond, Daniel Craig has proven to become a fitness icon for guys around the worlds, sporting a lean and muscular physique.
Daniel Craig workout
Craig had to pack on a good amount of muscle (for his Skyfall) since his last few roles (Cowboys & Aliens, The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo) didn’t really require him to be in tip top spy shape.
To learn about Daniel Craig’s super spy from another mother (Jason Bourne) and how he got in shape, check out this article.
To gain this muscle, Craig would have had to lift anywhere from 3-5 times per week.
Daniel Craig workout – a sample routine
Note: The workout below is not the official workout plan that Daniel Craig used for his role as James Bond.
His real workout routine involved plenty of circuit training and steady state cardio, which while isn’t a bad thing, it also isn’t the best approach to getting a lean and muscular physique.
Day 1
- Incline dumbbell/barbell press (if dumbbell, set incline to no more than 30 degrees)- 3 sets x 5 reps
- Pull ups (weighted if possible) – 3 sets x 6-8 reps
- Chest isolation exercise (cable crossover, dumbbell flyes, etc…) – 3 sets x 10-13 reps
- Row variation (cable row, t-bar, dumbbell ,barbell, etc…) – 3 sets x 10-13 reps
- Alternating hammer dumbbell curls – 4 sets x 10-13 reps
- Tricep rope extension – 4 sets x 10-13 reps
Day 2
- Deadlifts – 5 sets x 5 reps
- Dumbbell lunges – 4 sets x 8-10 reps per leg
- Standing calf raise – 5 sets x 12-20 reps
- Set treadmill to slight incline (10%)
- Warm up for 3-5 minutes (moderate-fast walking speed)
- Increase speed and begin to alternate between all out sprints for 30 seconds and rest (back to walking speed) for 60 seconds.
- Repeat step 3. Â 8-10 times.
Day 3
- Seated dumbbell press – 3 sets x 5-6 reps
- Row variation (cable row, t-bar, dumbbell ,barbell) – 3 sets x 6-8 reps
- Pull ups – 3 sets x 10-13 reps
- Side lateral raises – 4 sets x 10-15 reps done in drop set fashion
- Alternating dumbbell curls – 4 sets x 10-13 reps
- Triceps extension – 4 sets x 10-13 reps
Day 4
- Barbell squat – 5 sets x 10-15 reps
- Reverse lunges – 4 sets x 8-10 reps
- Calf raise – 5 sets x 12-20 reps
- Set treadmill to slight incline (10%)
- Warm up for 3-5 minutes (moderate-fast walking speed)
- Increase speed and begin to alternate between all out sprints for 30 seconds and rest (back to walking speed) for 60 seconds.
- Repeat the step 3. 8-10 times.
Abs can optionally be done 2x per week, just add in 3 sets x 10-20 reps on hanging leg raises after each workout.
How do you structure the workout above?
In a perfect world you would structure the workout above in one of 2 ways:
Plan 1: Every other day (Day 1, rest, Day 2, rest, Day 3, rest, Day 4, rest)
Plan 2: 2 on 1 off (Day 1, Day 2, rest, Day 3, Day 4, rest, rest)
Daniel Craig diet
Even with Daniel Craig’s workout plan, the food you eat must take priority.
According to various interviews Craig followed the typical “clean food” diet eating whole grains, protein powder, lean meats, and no alcohol, candy, or processed foods.
The problem with these Hollywood diets is that they leave no room for failure and tend to be too extreme.
As long as you’re getting an adequate amount of protein, plenty of fruits/veggies, plenty of healthy fats, and whole food carbs (rice, pasta, potatoes, etc…) then there’s no reason that you can’t have a little bit of whatever you crave every day.
You must eat to get big
If you want to fill out that tuxedo then you have to start eating more.
While complete beginners can gain a some muscle without being in a surplus, they will never maximize their gains without adequate calories.
Gain muscle formula: your bodyweight in pounds x 16 = daily calorie intake
In general you want to follow the formula above if you want to gain weight and to adjust accordingly (adding or subtracting 200 calories per week) depending if your weight increases or decreases.
Along with hitting your calorie goals, aim for:
- At least 0.8 grams of protein per pounds/bodyweight
- 20% of your calories from fat
- Get the rest of your calories from carbs
Can I have a martini?
Want to have a martini like James Bond?
Sure go ahead, just don’t go overboard.
In general, stick with no more than 6 drinks total per week.
Spread them out however you like.
Some people might be able to get away with more (use your own judgment). I don’t want your performance in the gym to suffer.
Daniel Craig: The ideal male physique?
I’ll admit, I’m jealous .
Daniel Craig is a lot better looking than me plus he has that whole sexy English accent thing going on.
Unfortunately those are things I can’t control.
But I can control my body and so can you.
Many guys view Daniel Craig as having the ideal male physique, one that is proportionate and lean but not overly muscular.
If you agree and want to take your physique to the next level with a laser targeted approach to getting ripped and building muscle without getting too bulky, then I recommend checking out my complete course, Superhero X12Â which is perfect for guys who want a body like Daniel Craig, Ryan Reynolds, or Chris Evans (not too bulky, but still lean and in great shape).
One of my clients, Neal who’s 49 years old came to me and told me that he wanted a physique like Daniel Craig’s.
Here are his results after 3 months of using my Superhero X12Â system:
Neal was finally able to build a “Daniel Craig body” by only working out 3x per week and eating his favorite foods every day.
To find out the same system Neal used, check out Superhero X12.
I am sorry but he is in good shape but I don’t think he is up to the visual ascetics we have come to expect from an action hero in the movies. Maybe he is more realistic than say Duane Johnson but we are talking about role that could definitely use a few more pounds. In his defense, the “Skyfall” role is one of an aging man so pumped like Sylvester Stallone is probably not what they were asking for. I have no doubt that if he wanted or was asked to bulk up for the role he could have. As far as his build in this film as being a goal to shoot for, well it probably is for many but personally think more “bulk” looks better.
I think more bulk would have ruined his physique.
B*S*..tell you what post a picture of your physique and we’ll compare it? No..? Many young peope seem to think unless you have a 50″+ chest and tree trunk legs you simply don’t look good. ASk A WOMEN WHAT SHE FINDS ATTRACTIVE. It’s not the body builder look.
How old is Mr Craig? 45/46? I think his physique is spot on. He looks, lean, strong and fast. Some muscle…(quite bit actually) but not body builder bulked up. He looks like a fit, strong soldier. He looks like he could climb a rope, run 500+ yards fast, wrestle another man, etc…oh..what a surprise that’s what he is supposed to be able to do. Pro. B.B.ers look like crap! Slow, bloated, puffed up horrible freaks
Spot on.
Totally agree on the Body Building thing Paul. A boxer/MMA Fighter body is far more appealing than a red faced, struggling to walk steroid fuelled lump. I boxed for 20 years, and Bouncer’s would come t our Boxing gym before working the door that evening. I was a 14 Stone kid, muscled but fast and agile. I would spar with those fellas and make them look like idiots. All that muscle, but it does nothing for them, other than make them look intimidating and angry, with that high blood pressured steroid side effect red face.
I think he looked lean, but he looked less impressive than he did in the iconic coming out of the sea scene from Casino Royale. I think an overly ripped body can look less aesthetically appealing. The balance of muscle mass and bulk and definition he had in Casino Royale looked fare better than the smaller framed, but more defined physique of Skyfall
Make sense to add Dumbbell swing in day 2?
if one has fat on his body and he is doing exercise can he still proceed this workout to burn his fat
What rest periods do you recommend for each lay out .
can I work chest 2 time a week?
just follow the plan as laid out.
At 230lbs, that’s 3680 calories a day ( body weight x 16)
184 grams of protein (.8 grams per pound)
82 grams of fat (20% of daily calories)
552 grams of carb ( remaining calories)
That is a crazy amount of carbs! Am I missing something or is this really what you’re recommending??
yes that is what i’m recommending.
But you have to remember, you’re 230 pounds (which is not exactly light), and you’re using a formula to calculate nutrition for muscle building…so there’s really no way around NOT eating that much.
Thanks for the quick response!
I’m 6’2″ and around 25% body fat so plenty of leaning out to do. Everything I read says lean down before building muscle, but I’ve been on some kind of calorie deficiency for 2 years now. I’ve lost about 40 lbs and gained some muscle. I’ve been stuck at 230 for 6 months.
Last question: from your experience, will eating for muscle gains allow for fat loss as well or will I still need to do some kind of “cutting” process to have good definition?
if you’re 25% bf, you honestly shouldn’t be bulking. If you use 16x, you will simply gain more weight.
You should be using a 10-12x calorie multiplier.
quick question did daniel craig weigh more in skyfall then he did in cascino royale
and don’t you think it amazing in the 2015 movie specture he looks so younger than we he played in cascino royal
i honestly don’t know. His weight is probably very similar in all the 007 films.
Uh….i dunno, i guess…
I think you forgot something very important his abs workout are very important
so what would he be his abs workout
You can add in some cable crunches and ab wheel rollouts, but you should be more focused on the main workout which already engages the core to some extent.
Hey Keith if you want to get an a body exactly like Daniel Craig then in fact I acheived his body in just one day should try this:
Detailed Explanations
Clean and Jerk
Weighted Step-ups
Weighted Knee raise
Incline Push-ups
Weighted Dips
Barbell Bicep Curls
And for abs workout
3 sets of 30 of each
Ab Crunches
Bicycle Crunches
Double Crunches
Hanging Leg Raises
Abdominal Twists
Dumbbell Lateral Flexions
then after you done you might want to eat something or you’ll abs will be too skinny so time to eat dinner and that how you achieve the skyfall look in one day
It is not always about what women want! Yes, I would at a guess say women like the MMA/Boxer look rather than the Big Bloated look as some say. But it’s about what you want! What is undesirable are these unprovoked insults! about people. Conner Mcgregor is an awesome fighter at his weight class. but I saw him get picked up and thrown, by the security on some you-tube video. And I saw him playfully spare with a 400lb strengh athlete with no fighting skills! The 400lb guy would eat him alive, well he eats 140lb for breakfast. Now, im just saying. It doesnt matter whether a guy is 250lb and cant fight for shit…thats life! some people just are passive! gentle giants! being a skillful fighter, well if u use that on general public!,,you are in for a shock, you are doing time…now there are people that will lose in the boxing ring Benn/Eubank for example…Benn would destroy Eubank in a street fight!..same goes for a 250lb bodybuilder and a good 150lb boxer… the ring….take it outside where….anything goes..and different story!..